General purpose emulsifiable degreaser aerosol cleaner. Shell Engine Degreaser is a general purpose aerosol product designed to remove oil, grease and soil from parts and equipment.
Shell Engine Degreaser is a general purpose parts and machinery cleaner. When sprayed onto oily and greasy surfaces, the product solvency will immediately penetrate and remove the dirt and soil residues. Being emulsifiable, the parts can then be simply washed with water leaving a clean surface finish.
• Simple to use Aerosol pack makes this product very easy to use and reach difficult and hidden spots
• Clear, bright, low odour
• Refined product with low aromatics
• Low volatility ensures minimum evaporation losses
• Versatile and may be hosed off with water
• Quick breaking degreaser
• High Solvency Shell Engine Degreaser Fluid will provide degreasing and emulsifying properties leaving a clean surface finish.